
The ArtScience Interfaculty offers both a four-year bachelor’s, and a two-year master’s programme embedded in an interdisciplinary learning environment.

The Academic Year at the Interfaculty is divided in two semesters. In the first semester, called ‘Input’, nearly all courses are organised. These courses run in four tracks and follow an ‘open curriculum’: courses are usally accessible to students of all (bachelor and master) years. Some exceptions apply: the first year bachelors have a mostly fixed programme with introductory courses, and some courses are mandatory for other years (especially the first year masters have some mandatory classes in their programme). Most courses are ‘totally dedicated’: they run continuously, all day, for a whole number of weeks (except for Wednesdays). Other courses are weekly throughout the semester (or the whole year). These are offered mostly on Wednesdays. Some of these are offered in collaboration with other departments of the Royal Academy of Art or the Royal Conservatoire. Twice a year (two weeks after the Autumn Break and two weeks after the Spring Break) the Interfaculty organises Exchange Weeks together with the Sonology and Composition departments of the Royal Conservatoire. All three departments offer one-week courses to their respective students (second year bachelor and higher). The first semester is closed with individual presentations of the students, showing and reflecting upon the results of the courses they followed during the semester.

The second semester (‘Output’) is almost completely dedicated to the students’ individual projects. Every monday all students and teachers gather at the so-called Manic Mondays. All teachers are available for coaching, and other forms of sharing information (such as lectures, pop-up projects and other) can be organised. Half-way the semester students will show the progress in their research in short presentations. The semester is closed with general presentations of their projects. The graduation years (B4 and M2) will organise a preview exhibition half-way the semester (combined with preview exams) and their final presentations at the end of the semester is part of their final exams.


For more information, see:


Self-study and coaching

